Ruth's Women's Shelter

Ruth's Women's Shelter is a feminist organisation that provides high security crisis accomodation ensuring optimum safety, counselling and support to women and children escaping domestic violence and family violence.
We have a commitment to build a strong team that endeavours to empower women and children and is sensitive to cultural distinctiveness.
Ruth's Women's Shelter Cairns seeks to challenge the values and structures of our society, which support and perpetuate domestic violence and family violence either by their collusion or silence.

If you want to know more about the history of Ruth's Women's Shelter, there is a book by Margaret Bluett available free from the BookShelf - just ask at the counter.

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Please Note: None of The BookShelf volunteers know where Ruth's Women's Shelter is currently located. If you need assistance, please view our Links Page as there is information there that may be of use to you if you are dealing with Domestic or Family abuse.